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Effective Presentation & Communication Skill-MASTERCLASS Dubai Bahrain 2017.
Executive Secretary & PA's Workshop Dubai Bahrain 2017.


We offer a variety of Business & Soft Skill Consultancy which include Solutions and Learning Products like Practice tests, study guides, online learning courses. Certification is a challenge but you can handle it - and MERS SOLUTION guarantees it!

MERS Trainings & Solutions:

  • Employee Development & Management Solutions
  • Buisness & Soft Skill Trainings and Solutions
  • Personality Development Solutions
  • Project & Service Management Solutions

Consulting Services MERS SOLUTION's Consulting Services team is staffed with seasoned professionals to support and consult on every element of our project implementation. Regardless of where your company is in the Learning life cycle, a dedicated member of MERS SOLUTION’s Consulting Services team will serve as an expert consultant charged with helping you obtain the success you need from your e-learning initiatives.

Certified Learning Consultants MERS SOLUTION’s is the prominent company in the industry to certify our learning consultants based on demonstrated competence in our strategic e-learning methodology. Clients benefit from years of experience and consistent best practices through our certified learning consultants